hào môn kinh mộng đừng để lỡ nhau

Hào Môn Kinh Mộng 3 Đừng Để Lỡ Nhau

Tác giả: Ân Tầm

Bạn đang xem: hào môn kinh mộng đừng để lỡ nhau

Thể loại: Ngôn Tình

Nguồn: Internet

Trạng thái: Full

Số chương: 727

Ngày đăng: 4 năm trước

Cập nhật: 2 mon trước

This is a gripping psychological battle. On a mesmerizing night, the warm breath of the man was abruptly interrupted by a phone gọi that shattered the tranquil and enigmatic atmosphere. As it turned out, it was his wedding day. The woman embraced him with gentle arms from behind, her hands slithering a nimble serpent all over his toàn thân. He turned around, his deep gaze unable to tát be read no matter how hard one tried.

She spoke softly, "Dont worry, Im not a little girl anymore."

He was a renowned supplier of gemstones, and she was a psychoanalyst who read peoples dreams. They had no connection until they got embroiled in a mysterious case, which intertwined their destinies together.

He squeezed her chin lightly, "Am I a research subject for you now?"

She smiled warmly at him, savoring his breath, "Nien Chen, Im only intrigued by the last dream of a dead person. As for you and bầm, its just a game. If we can both play, well be happy. If we cant, then well leave."

His face remained calm, "To Diệp! You may not be able to tát handle bầm, little girl!"

Nien Chen was a tough quấn who was strict with his employees, unable to tát get along with everyone, yet made women go crazy for him. Tố Diệp was a woman who always caused people to tát argue, appearing to tát be only concerned with money, but in reality, a person with a strong tongue but a weak heart, making people sympathize with her.

Dreams, memories, subconscious, and the cutthroat business battles behind the glittering jewelry. Layers upon layers of strange psychological battles clashed. How can we judge the hearts of others, measure our own hearts and find the truth in these seemingly real and kém chất lượng things? You think what you see is real? Maybe its kém chất lượng. You think what you hear is real? Maybe its still kém chất lượng. So, are you really you? Maybe thats kém chất lượng too...

Their meeting was fate. Even if destiny was fleeting, they must not miss each other.

Life is lượt thích a dream, and dreams are lượt thích life. Power is kém chất lượng, love and hate are meaningless, and a long sigh is just a terrible dream.

Read on to tát find out more about the story by author An Tam.

SStruyen.. regards.

Hào Môn Kinh Mộng 3 Đừng Để Lỡ Nhau

Hào Môn Kinh Mộng 3 Đừng Để Lỡ Nhau

Xem thêm: cá chép hóa rồng full lưng

Tác fake : Ân Tầm

Thể loại: Ngôn Tình

Nguồn: Internet

Trạng thái: Full

Số chương: 727

Ngày đăng: 4 năm trước

Cập nhật: 2 mon trước

This is a gripping psychological battle. On a mesmerizing night, the warm breath of the man was abruptly interrupted by a phone gọi that shattered the tranquil and enigmatic atmosphere. As it turned out, it was his wedding day. The woman embraced him with gentle arms from behind, her hands slithering... lượt thích a nimble serpent all over his toàn thân. He turned around, his deep gaze unable to tát be read no matter how hard one tried.

She spoke softly, "Dont worry, Im not a little girl anymore."

He was a renowned supplier of gemstones, and she was a psychoanalyst who read peoples dreams. They had no connection until they got embroiled in a mysterious case, which intertwined their destinies together.

He squeezed her chin lightly, "Am I a research subject for you now?"

She smiled warmly at him, savoring his breath, "Nien Chen, Im only intrigued by the last dream of a dead person. As for you and bầm, its just a game. If we can both play, well be happy. If we cant, then well leave."

His face remained calm, "To Diệp! You may not be able to tát handle bầm, little girl!"

Nien Chen was a tough quấn who was strict with his employees, unable to tát get along with everyone, yet made women go crazy for him. Tố Diệp was a woman who always caused people to tát argue, appearing to tát be only concerned with money, but in reality, a person with a strong tongue but a weak heart, making people sympathize with her.

Dreams, memories, subconscious, and the cutthroat business battles behind the glittering jewelry. Layers upon layers of strange psychological battles clashed. How can we judge the hearts of others, measure our own hearts and find the truth in these seemingly real and kém chất lượng things? You think what you see is real? Maybe its kém chất lượng. You think what you hear is real? Maybe its still kém chất lượng. So, are you really you? Maybe thats kém chất lượng too...

Their meeting was fate. Even if destiny was fleeting, they must not miss each other.

Life is lượt thích a dream, and dreams are lượt thích life. Power is kém chất lượng, love and hate are meaningless, and a long sigh is just a terrible dream.

Read on to tát find out more about the story by author An Tam.

SStruyen.. regards.

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