the hidden dungeon only i can enter


  • Anime: The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter
    © 瀬戸メグル・講談社/俺だけ入れる製作委員会
    • Japanese Ore dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeon


      Bạn đang xem: the hidden dungeon only i can enter

      TV-Series, 12 (~)


      09.01.2021 ‑ 27.03.2021

      Light Novel

    • English The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter


      08.01.2021 ‑ 26.03.2021

    • German The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter


      08.01.2021 ‑ 26.03.2021

    • Spanish The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter


      08.01.2021 ‑ 26.03.2021

    • French The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter


      08.01.2021 ‑ 26.03.2021

    • Italian The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter


      Xem thêm: khu 2 hoàng cương thanh ba phú thọ

      08.01.2021 ‑ 26.03.2021

    • Special Training in the Secret Dungeon


Noir, the son of a family in the gentry, has very little to tướng show for himself. He even loses a job offer before his first real day on the job had begun … Even though he owns nothing else, he does have a rare ability. The gift of being able to tướng confer with a sage. The downside to tướng this ability of his, however, is that every time he uses it, he gets a terrible headache!

As he is unsure what the future holds for him, Noir asks the sage to tướng give him advice on how to tướng live from now on. The sage accompanies him to tướng a secret dungeon which cannot be entered by anyone. This legendary place is filled with a multitude of mysterious objects, incredibly dangerous beasts, and strange creatures which can grant others immense powers. Here, Noir will train and learn, until he is powerful enough to tướng change his destiny!


Nor, der Sohn eines niederen Adligen, hat nur sehr wenig zu bieten – sogar sein Stellenangebot wird abgesagt, bevor sein erster Tag überhaupt begonnen hat. Auch wenn er sonst nichts besitzt, hat er dennoch eine seltene Eigenschaft: die magische Fähigkeit, sich mit einem großen Weisen zu beraten. Der Nachteil dieser Fähigkeit ist aber, dass es ihm schreckliche Kopfschmerzen bereitet, wenn er sie einsetzt!

Da er sich nicht sicher ist, was seine Zukunft bringt, bittet Nor den großen Weisen, ihm Ratschläge zu geben, wie er von nun an leben soll. Der große Weise geleitet ihn daraufhin zu einen geheimen Dungeon, den eigentlich niemand betreten kann. Dieser legendäre Ort ist gefüllt mit äußerst seltenen Gegenständen, unglaublich gefährlichen Bestien und seltsamen Wesen, die nahezu unermessliche Macht verleihen können. Hier wird Nor trainieren und Erfahrung sammeln, bis er endlich mächtig genug ist, um sein Schicksal zu ändern!


Noir, el hijo de un noble poco importante, no tiene mucho que ofrecer. Incluso cuando logra conseguir una oferta de trabajo, esta se ve sầu cancelada antes de que siquiera comience su primer día … Pero, aunque sea bồn chồn único que tiene, posee una rara habilidad: la capacidad mágica de consultar con cái un gran sabio. Sin embargo, esto tiene el inconveniente de que utilizarla le domain authority un terrible dolor de cabeza.

Inseguro de bồn chồn que le depara el futuro, Noir le pide al gran sabio que le aconseje sobre cómo vivir su vida. El gran sabio bồn chồn guía entonces a una legendaria mazmorra secreta en la que supuestamente nadie puede entrar, que está llena de objetos extremadamente raros, bestias increíblemente peligrosas hắn extrañas criaturas que pueden otorgar poderes casi inmensurables. Aquí, Noir entrenará hắn ganará experiencia hasta que finalmente sea bồn chồn suficientemente poderoso para cambiar su destino.


Noir, le fils d’un noble assez modeste pour rơi classe, a très peu à offrir. Même son offre d’emploi est annulée avant même que son premier jour n’a même pas commencé… Même s’il n’a rien d’autre, il a tout de même une capacité rare : la capacité magique de consulter un grand Sage. L’inconvénient de cette capacité, cependant, est qu’elle lùi donne un terrible mal de tête lorsqu’il l’utilise !

Incertain de ce que lùi réserve l’avenir, Noir demande au grand Sage de lùi donner des conseils sur rơi façon de vivre à venir. Le grand Sage le guide alors vers un donjon secret où personne ne peut entrer. Ce lieu légendaire est rempli d’objets extrêmement rares, de bêtes incroyablement dangereuses et de créatures étranges qui peuvent conférer un pouvoir presque incommensurable. C’est ici que Noir s’entraînera et gagnera de l’expérience jusqu’à ce qu’il soit enfin assez puissant pour changer son destin !


Noir, figlio di un nobile di rango minore, non ha molto domain authority offrire. Perfino la sua offerta di lavoro viene annullata prima bao phủ avesse potuto iniziare il primo giorno. Anche se non possiede niente, ha comunque un’abilità magica particolare, il potersi consigliare con cái un grande saggio. L’inconveniente di quest’abilità, però, è cổ bao phủ gli viene un terribile mal di testa quando ne fa uso!

Siccome non è cổ sicuro di cosa gli porterà il futuro, Noir chiede al saggio di dargli qualche consiglio di come dovrebbe vivere la sua vita. Il saggio allora bồn chồn scorta a un dungeon segreto bao phủ nessuno dovrebbe essere in grado di accedere. Questo posto leggendario è cổ pieno di oggetti estremamente rari, bestie incredibilmente pericolose e strani esseri bao phủ possono conferire potere immenso. Qui Noir si allenerà e farà esperienze fino a bao phủ sarà abbastanza potente per poter cambiare il proprio destino!


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Main genres / Subsidiary Genres / Tags

  • AdventureThe Title is about eventful and risky ventures by its protagonists, often to tướng places previously unknown to tướng them.">Adventure
  • ActionAll about fighting and violence.">Action
  • AdventureThe Title is about eventful and risky ventures by its protagonists, often to tướng places previously unknown to tướng them.">Adventure
  • ComedyIs supposed to tướng make the audience laugh.">Comedy
  • EcchiDescribes either sex-related humor or generally sexual scenes, but not actual intercourse.">Ecchi
  • FantasyThis genre is about magical powers and supernatural creatures.">Fantasy
  • HaremThe main character is being wooed by many women/men.">Harem
  • RomanceDeals with romantic relationships between the protagonists.">Romance
  • Alternative WorldThe title is phối in a world which is different from ours (e.g. other planet, fantasy world).">Alternative World
  • ElveAt least one of the protagonists or the antagonists is an elf.">Elve
  • MagicThe protagonists use magical powers.">Magic
  • MonsterAt least one of the protagonists or the antagonists is a monster.">Monster
  • Swords & CoThe protagonists mainly use swords and other striking weapons to tướng fight.">Swords & Co



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